I've decided to write a(nother) novel.
After a couple of failed attempts to do it every November, I am dusting off a few pages I did years back, deleted it, and am starting fresh.
I already have a book published, but that was an adaptation of a screenplay.
Now, I'm taking a break from writing movies on weekends to write my first REAL fiction.
Got several projects already for next year and I feel like writing longer prose.
It's a thriller. Malaysian conspiracy and espionage and shit.
And it starts off with a sex scene right off the bat.
Bam! A nipple in your face in the first para.
So that you would know I mean business.
I envision it to be in two parts.
When I finish it, I will hawk it around. Already, one publisher has expressed interest in reading it.
Reading and publishing are two different things. We shall see.
I think I'll give it a secret name project like 'Blue Harvest'.
I'll call it...mmm...The Vagina.