I'm not a cybertrooper. Not UMNO's, not PR's. I'm a Cybercop.

Cybercop: I am one of them. Without the boobs.
Is it so hard to believe that there are people out there who do not share Anwar's beliefs?
I mean, I don't give a fuck about a Twitter account. Twitter is for losers and loser-killers. And cybercops.
But just because I don't agree to PR's whatever, does not make me an UMNO man.
I mean, sure, my father registered me as an UMNO member as soon as I am of age. I even had an UMNO card, before some asshole stole it. It was stolen perhaps as 'proof' that I am an UMNO man.
Well, some whatever politician is paying my UMNO fees, and my name will be in UMNO records. But do I have the millions to show for it? No.
You know what? Fuck this shit, man. If I am to be branded as an UMNO cybertrooper, I might as well embrace it.
Hell yeah, man! I'm an UMNO cybertrooper, and I'm coming after you. I hate you fucking PR bullshit motherfuckers. I hope you choke on your saliva, you stupid, evil sons of bitches!
You fucking donkey-raping ass-slut bastards!