I've been working like crazy in July, till I fell sick and momentarily lost part of my vision.
Losing part of my sight was scary. I was writing till 6am, until I could feel the muscles straining on my lens. I understand enough of human anatomy to know that the muscles that attach to the lens in my eyes are just tiny little things, and also of my family history with diabetes.
I woke up with eyes that felt tired from the inside. I was freaked out for a day, and then I decided to calm down and relax. Whatever it was that affected my sight, also relented and just relaxed its terror grip.
It could have been a number of factors, but I will get my rest soon.
July was kicking ass month. I closed several different things, and tomorrow, I hope to close a few more things. It's crazy, man.
However, despite the strenuous amount of work and all the other things, I believe I did good. I am satisfied that I have done all I could. More meant puking blood. Literally.
In these months after I have left my old job, I decided to make my own way. Doors were opened, and new as well as old faces make their appearance.
I am a vagabond. A barbarian. And one day, I shall wear my crown upon a troubled brow.

By this axe, I rule, bitches!