Now, what am I going to do?
I hate Heisenberg. His Uncertainty Principle sucks.
Without being a superhero, what can I do?
I can be a very successful serial killer. I can mask any and all traces of forensic evidence and manipulate people to kill each other - the perfect murder.
But what does that pay?
I can be a political assassin. Having inherited my mother's powers of manipulation, I can make or break anyone's career.
But I hate politics.
Okay, I'm the greatest writer who ever fucked your mother. So maybe I should write.
That's settled, then.
Ex-Superhero writer Amir Hafizi sips coffee at his Cafe of Solitude. Mmm. Sounds right.
Maybe I should get a writer name.
Like, 'The Laughing Man' or 'Individual Eleven'.
What about a costume?