May I present to you the solution to the problems we have had with our neighbours down south.
This, my fellow countrymen, is Rachel Kum. She is Miss Singapore Universe 2009. And I am Kumming.

Work it, baby, work it!
Booya! The face, and the body that could launch a thousand "SHIIIIIT!"s. The image, beauty-obsessed world is not fair, but how can any of us allow someone as good-looking as that eat shit? I say, give her some water, man. It's a basic human need.
This model recently caused some problems for herself when she posted pictures of her eating a dick-shaped birthday cake on her blog. There are also pictures of her pretending to bite a friend dressed as a giant dick.
She has since taken them down.
A lot of Singaporeans are upset that she would...do such a thing. That cake could ruin her figure.
Well, I have no interest in barging in any of Singapore's issues, but if you guys don't want her, I believe quite a few Malaysians can make some room for Miss Kum. She can have as many dick-shaped cakes as she wants.
Hell, I'll bake her one myself. I can even make a mould.

Man...I wish I was that cake.
Source: www.GutterUncensored.com