They have his picture on the walls.

They say that's a picture of Osiris, but I know better. Osiris was afraid of this guy.
So anyway, I was back, and there were these mass comm majors from UiTM and they were there to interview 'real journalists'.
And so it began.
Mass Comm Major: So, what does the job of a journalist entail?
Me: Well, it has to do with lots of smoking. Come.
So I took them out, and I smoked as they watched me kill myself in slow-motion. Work would only begin for me after dinner. I usually went back at 1 or 2 am. So the only thing to do till then was to smoke.
Me: Hey, it's 4pm. Let's go down for tea!
And have tea.
MCM: So, you studied mass comm as well?
Me: No. I did computer science.
MCM: What?
Me: Yep. In fact, none of the people you see here took mass comm.
MCM: What?
Me: My editor studied fashion. My colleagues studied fine art, fashion, sound engineering, business, law, and I'm sure that guy over there went to grad school for advanced stalking.
MCM: And that guy over there? That long-haired guy?
Me: Oh, he's our boss. He used to be a goalkeeper.
MCM: ...
Me: Any questions?
I never saw them since.