I was sitting down with a man the other day who said to me, "You know what, all women are stupid."
I was like, "Ummm...well..."
Man: What, you don't agree with me? Are you a man?
Me: Well...
Man: No, are you a man?
Me: What has that got to do with anything?
And then, a few days later, I was with a woman.
Woman: You know what?
Me: What?
Woman: All men are stupid.
Me: You know what?
Woman: What?
Me: You're all the same. Both men and women are stupid. There.
Woman: Then what are you? Are you a man?
Me: See?
Woman: Answer me - are you a man?
Me: If I say yes, are you going to suck my dick and iron my clothes?
Woman: You're a pondan! Pondan!
Me: I'm n- ah, whatever lah.
Woman: Pondan! Pondan! Pondan!