Thursday, October 14, 2010


I am dealing with my own natural narcissism. Again.

So let's talk about my day instead.

The day started with me welcoming the cleaner to my house. Now, this is the best cleaner I have ever subscribed to.

Today, he outdid himself. Finding my bathroom to be devoid of a light bulb from his last visit, and snubbing his nose at the plastic stuff I have in my bathroom, he went and bought replacements using his own money.

By the time he was finished, I was so impressed that I gave him a tip, along with the money for the stuff he bought.

Then, I went to the office, for an important meeting. Obladi, oblada, and I found out that Magika - a movie I was part of - was nominated for multiple awards for the next FFM.

Cool. I am happy for the movie and everyone involved. I was not nominated, but I still feel a sense of pride for being part of something cool.

Then, it was one of the final pieces of my information flow experiment. I will conclude this lab work within a few years, but some findings warrant a book or something.

End of the day, I just went back to my apartment, which is still as clean as the cleaners left it. It is a metaphor for my day and my life as well, when I managed to sort out certain loose ends I detected due to certain things.

To top it all off, a person whom I contributed ideas to just won top prize at a competition for some work she did. I am proud and chuffed that I also helped a bit in the project.

So there. I didn't talk about my narcissistic need to show off my intellect, did I?

And it is all the more sweeter, when I reaped the benefits of a guilt-free life. I didn't do anything evil or wrong, and I have always told The Truth. Tonight, I sleep like a baby, just like every other night.