Friday, October 5, 2012

I'm a Fucking Genius and Shit

It's 4,47am and I am still awake, gathering even more information before the KL 48 Hour Film Project.

I knew this would happen, so I took leave today (Friday). Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to work. Well, I could, but it might be very difficult.

I think too much and if I had gone to work today, it would be very difficult to get anything done.

I'm currently watching videos. Tons of them. It's fucking crazy, broseph. I have visualised the kind of thought process that must happen as soon as the team gets our genre. I know what to say, what to do, how early I have to be there.

What I don't know is what will happen, or what kind of stories we will do or discuss. I leave that for later.

I shouldn't get too far ahead of myself. Let's leave some things to chance, and see if our luck can hold. So far, the lead actor for the team is stuck somewhere up north and we have no actor.

This already means some frantic phone calls around 9-10pm. Otherwise, I have to deliver an Academy Award winning performance myself. Or a Raspberry one.

You fuckers may not know, but somewhere in the depths of RTM's vaults, lie some of the worst acting ever done by mankind.

Yeah, I was on TV a few times. Big whoop. I can't act for shit, because I am obsessed with telling the truth. Or something. Oh, man, I am so fucking noble and shit.

Dude, I have done everything I ever wanted to do - and some things I did not and do not want to do. Whatever desires I have not fulfilled, I cast off. Letting go was and still is one damn difficult thing to learn.

I mean, I'm a fucking genius and shit.

Oh, man. I better go to bed.