Sunday, October 30, 2011

Intermissionary Position

I went out twice today and then entertained at home till 11pm. Then I finished a script breakdown, amidst ingesting a lot of cough medication that is making me drowsy.

All things considered, been a pretty productive day. I counselled a real-estate thing and then some marital problems. Answered some theological questions, watched 30 episodes of Transformers and got my Internet back.

I am so fucking great. That's just a fact.

I have gleaned a lot of information from my new job. I like it, and the office is very close to my house.

A project I turned down is getting some nasty reviews online. My heart goes out to the team involved.

Meanwhile, a personal project is looking good, and some stuff I was working on these past few months is finally going to see the light of day soon. Very soon.

All in all, I'm sitting pretty. And this sleepy buzz from the cough medication means I need to turn in soon.

Man, oh man. I am so fucking great.