And so, tonight, we looked from a hill on our spoils of war.
Me: Senator Palpatine.
Senator Palpatine: Chancellor Vainglorious.
Me: They made you a senator. They actually did. I can't believe it.
SP: And they made you chancellor.
Me: What were they thinking?
SP: Oh well. So...I'm going to my Death Star. Care to join me?
Me: Emmm...planet-busting space stations are just not me. Thanks for the offer, though.
SP: Any time.
Me: Say...can I have a ride?
SP: Why of course. Where to?
Me: Well, I am going to Omicron Persei 8.
SP: What are you doing there?
Me: Oh, you know, this and that. They also offered me the chance to set up my own "laser". It's going to look like a satellite dish. On a hill.
SP: Jolly good. Shall we go? Finish your drinks, Chancellor.
Me: Cheers, Senator.