Sunday, December 23, 2012

Tales from the Drunk Side: COCKs, DICKs and PENISes.

As we all look towards the end of the year and the start of a new one, I begin to wonder as well as plan for next year's activities.

I am doing way too much, so I am thinking of stopping some activities to allow proper focus on others.

I believe that it is time for me to stop writing other people's scripts and focus entirely on my own stories, for film. I have so many stories to tell and not enough of a lifetime to write them all. I want to write novels next year.

I am also planning to go into business properly and set up another company. I believe that in my lifetime, I will probably set up three companies in my lifetime, and this would be the second after the first one in 2006.

I believe I also need a new acronym for my role. Something along the lines of Professional Expert on National Information Services (PENIS). I find it hilarious if such an acronym for that position is made commonplace. Corporate people love their jargon so .

PBT, EBITDA, ARPU, ROI, PATAMI, CEO, COO and the like. Why not PENIS?

"I need to send this report to the PENIS!"

"Hello, I would like to speak to your PENIS. It's regarding the budget."

"The PENIS is entirely responsible for the execution of this project, so all of you fuck off."

Or maybe DICK - Director of Internet Communications and Knowledge.

"Amir Hafizi is the best DICK in town."

"What do you do for a living, Amir?" "I'm a DICK, bitch!"

Or how about COCK? Consultant - Online Communications and Knowledge.

"What are your qualifications?" "I'm the best COCK in town, bitch!"

"Oh My God! Our company needs your help right now. I need to speak to your COCK!" "Here I am, bitch." "Oh My God! Oh My God! Oh My Godddd!"

I also plan to lose another 20kg, after I shake off this depression. Am not really that depressed anymore, after I figured out what I want and need to do.

The first is always the 'what'. Money. Novels. Films. Whatever. Next comes the 'how'. Execution, operations. I've always been a 'how' guy and I respect people who have huge respect for their work. I also take processes seriously, with the ultimate aim of improving them by eliminating steps in any and all processes. I am not impressed at all by conmen and liars because they always do and say stupid things and expect you to believe them, thinking you are as stupid or stupider than them.

I am also equally annoyed with people who believe just because they lie, I would as well. I have never told a lie. I have used smokescreens and omission of details or manipulated the timing of information, but have never told an outright lie.

For example, knowing the stalking nature of people who think social media is a great source for insight into verbose and expressive people like me, I have bombarded the Internet with non-vital information about myself. Yes, I have filled it with shit. If it really matters, why would I put it up?

I have never even uploaded a picture of myself on anything public. All of my pictures on Facebook, for example, were taken and tagged by other people, sometimes with smug superiority that they could take a picture of me. I have been very careful not to release any details out, but some people are just pathetic. I said some, so don't think it's you, it's the other ones.

I have also had my photo taken by a few homosexuals who believe I am one of them. One of them constantly calls me at 4pm every day last week. I don't know why, because 4pm is when some meetings occur and I had to to tell them to call me at another time. While I owe some training to gay people and am indebted to them for many things, I am afraid I am not gay.

Nothing wrong with gay people. In fact, I believe in supporting homosexuality, which means reduced competition for heteros like me, as well as more hot lesbian action.

Anyone and everyone who have ever tried to manipulate me are all dead. Figuratively. I no longer think about them. They simply do not exist.

I have met and am meeting some extremely smart people, and with it comes a different challenge.

Oh well.

I will cut my teeth with cold, hard business, with an aim of retiring, realistically, before I'm 40. The stretch target is before 35.

I have learned a lot about humans in my nine year career in the media. Most of the time, I prefer machines. There is only one breed of humans I do not understand - idiots. My process is to get into people's heads and find out how they work, how they see things and why they do what they do. With idiots, if I replicate the process, I am afraid of doing the same with their inferior, animalistic brains.

I lump racists, masochists, chauvinists, Femi-Nazis, freeloaders and the insecure in the same category as idiots, perhaps idiots as their genus and each a different species of the same shit.

The insecure fucks have made quite a splash in my world this year. I understand that the sheer capacity my brain holds, and my giganormous talents (with an 'S') would cause any person with a well-developed ego to shake in their knees, but some things are getting ridiculous.

I mean, talentS such as my own only exists once in a millennium  I am the greatest mind of the 21st Century. I just need to focus on what I want to do, and I am very confident that it will be done. Or not. An enlightened genius such as myself would not bother with past failures other than as 'things to avoid doing' later on, in future projects.

I am a gift to the world. You are not. Learn to live with that. And suck my dick.