Friday, August 13, 2010

Lose Yourself

Eminem said, "You can do whatever you set your mind to, man."

And how!

Fuck, man. Life is just one big adventure. Ups. Downs. The drama, the comedy, the triumphs and the tragedies.

Lots of hard work await me, but these are work I enjoy, with people I truly love.

I have a disability, when it comes to work. I can only reconcile everything if my heart is in it. I'm a stubborn child who always want it my way.

I'm sorry, that's just how I was raised. Spoiled rotten, but at the same time always, always thrown at the deep end.

Sink or swim, baby.

Give me the tools and the space to do something, and I'd fucking do it. And I'll do it well.

My mind, my ego, they're all tools that serve me. They're part of me, and I would not trade them for anything.

I've never accepted myself fully before, preferring to isolate my 'evil' sides because I was consumed with guilt.

With acceptance, comes freedom. And with freedom, comes power.

I feel so full right now, that I want to take a dump, even though I ate little just now.

I would just like to say, to everyone - even those I don't like so much - thank you for being part of my journey.

No matter how small your contribution, or how horrible your deception, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am where I want to be. Always. And forever. No matter where that may be.
