This has got to be one of the suckiest days every in my entire life.
I woke up to a mist laced with Pimptonite - a stuff deadly to us pimps.
Then there was the heat wave, and everyone else was affected as well, I guess. I got several fishing or fishy e-mails from lots of people out there. Maybe it was the heat, or maybe it was the Pimptonite, heightening my fatigue and paranoia.
So you know what I did? I looked for something Thai.
I found a small bottle of black barley tea with Thai writings on them, and I drank it all up - the last remnant of energy from a once-glorious world.
Then I turned to Pimp Masta G! I found my passport last night, so today I checked for the cheapest tickets to go to Phuket or Bangkok.
I must fight this suckiness and all this shit and emerge as Underwear-Model-Man, Man of Tomorrow, the greatest man to have ever lived on this planet, and beyond.
Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic dick and said, BY THE POWER OF DUREX EXTRA SAFE!
And this evening, I'm meeting up with The Sorceress. I always feel better when I meet the Sorceress.
All will be well.