We kill Kenny at the Press Club. Yes, we do. We kill Kenny. Oh my God! We're bastids!
There's also Genius Juice, and air cap rimau.
After harassing Husna with some gay videos, I am now left alone to my devices.
I must say, I cut a weird profile. I have a laptop - sorry, netbook - open, connected to to a full USB keyboard, my AWESOME portable hard drive, and my Maxis Broadband modem.
Despite the Press Club having its own wifi shit. Cause I don't have the network key. Oops! Somebody just slipped it to me.
As Boron, I am the most boring man in the universe. Next on my digital hit-list would be a bluetooth battery-operated vagina.
It would be clean, sterile, and only demand the occasional battery change now and then. And would never perasan as anything else other than a vibrating recepticle for semen.
Oh, God. Now, I am going to continue to kill Kenny.
Cheers, bitches.