I sense racism in the farce.
Man! Flava Flav!
I've been working all day, and I hardly got any sleep last night. But before I go for a nap, let me present to you THE ONLY SOLUTION TO RACISM:
I told you then, I'm telling you again.
INTERRACIAL-FUCKING is the only way to give birth to a truly Malaysian society.
When you fuck someone who is not of your race, you can't hate that race. Not entirely.
For example, I do not hate the Thais, the Chinese, the Kiwis, Aussies, Russians, Estonians, Malays, Jawas, Jawwas, the Bugis, and I am very much looking forward to not hating the Jews and the Japanese. And Venezuelans.
Not hating Aishwarya Rai is also something I look forward to.
I also do not want to hate Koreans.
Man, INTERRACIAL-FUCKING will save us all.
Do it! Do it for your cunt-ry!