You know, I can do many things.
I can write - almost anything. I can write things that would reverbrate with your very soul, if you allow it.
I can create programs. I can learn a new programming language in a matter of days and be proficient if I focus for a few weeks.
I accumulate a lot of useless information which usually turns out to be useful in the end.
Stunning, wholesome good looks and a very strong dick.
What I don't have, are answers to everything. I don't know what will happen tomorrow. Next week, next month, next year. I don't know.
I don't know you. I don't know anyone. Not really.
What I do know - for sure - is that I will follow my instincts, no matter what. Consequences be damned.
I'll put my money where my mouth is. Rather than hide in the shadows, I am right here, out in the open.
Come and get me, you bastards. What power do you have over me? Are you my God?
Fuck you.
In the end, I have nothing save from my wit, and my will.