Sunday, December 28, 2008

Influenza Libertine

The Witch, who is a bitch, once told me this:

"I also used to think that sheer bone-headedness would win the day."

I used to think that working hard would be the key to success. Alas, the days of my father and his values are over.

It is not the simplistic adage of 'working smart' or 'kissing ass' that would emerge triumphant, either. Though people who did the latter are usually safer. And I am never safe.

Logic as well as the rational would most often lose out to the irrational and the fantastic.

O, what fools these mortals be.

I am sweating buckets now. Meaning the flu is almost past my system. Though I still have the cough.

Long periods of doing nothing has also thrown my situation into sharp focus. Freedom and independence are the most important things in the world. And I will choose that path.

I am a man of science, not a man of faith. But I do have belief. In myself.

And I will give birth to the 21st Century. As Jack the Ripper did for the 20th Century.

So send me your weak, your lame and whatever the fuck. Let the games begin.