Tuesday, December 16, 2008

52 Pickup

During lunch break today, I went and picked up my new Identity Card. MyKad.

I made the first one around three years ago. I did not pick it up till I checked a few weeks ago, when they told me it has been destroyed. Because some people started worshipping it. So I paid the fees and made a new one.

It's pretty unimpressive. A few weeks ago, I tried to do something funny with the picture with my trademark serial rapist smile, but the woman simply asked me to retake the picture.

I tried a three-quarter pose, but was immediately told to sit up straight and stare directly at the camera.

No fun at all.

So I am now part of the 12 million Malaysians who already did their MyKads. A total of almost 15 million still do not have it. 3 million from that haven't collected it, and some 43% are too young. 6% have been classified as either handicapped or too old. They won't be having their pictures taken anytime soon.

Of the 12 million, a total 100,000 will lose their cards every year. This year, 103,429 people made reports that their cards went missing.

Actually, all those figures I just mentioned are make-believe. Fake. I do no research at all for my writing here (cause it's free), but that's how it would look if I did have the actual numbers and stats.