Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Almanak Masakan Bumi dan Langit: Boddhisativa Membuka Jalan

Lupa nak cakap. Abang aku pernah makan oats untuk Quaker Oats challenge. Dia disuruh makan 10 sudu quaker oats sehari, minimum.

Hasilnya? Tak silap aku kolesterol darah turun dan tekanan darah turun sampai terlebih.

Aku pun pernah mengamalkan diet oats. Maksudnya, aku tak makan nasi, aku makan oats untuk sarapan, makan tengahari dan makan malam. Aku makan macam bubur, dengan lauk biasa. Hasilnya (dengan exercise setiap hari), aku turun 17kg dalam masa kurang tiga bulan.

Jadi, aku amat percaya pada pemakanan serat tinggi. Kali ni aku nak kongsi tips untuk makan makanan serat tinggi, sebab aku tengok ramai Melayu takleh nak tetapkan sendiri cara nak makan suka ati dia. Dia kena ada orang cakap.


1. Oats
Aku beli instant je

- kalau nak makan oats, kena makan LEBIH DARIPADA 10 sudu sehari. 10 Sudu ni kaut masa oats tu kering, bukan lepas dia dah kembang.
- Ko boleh makan macam bubur dengan lauk biasa
- atau ko boleh buat cam aku - aku letak lima sudu dalam gelas tinggi yang tahan air panas, aku campur susu rendah lemak atau susu soya. Aku makan dan hirup, dua minit habis. Aku buat dua kali - lepas sarapan dan makan malam.
- Lepas makan oats, minum satu atau dua gelas air kosong.

2. Psyllium husk

- ambik dua sudu psyllium husk, campur satu sudu madu, dua sudu apple cider vinegar, curah air, kacau, teguk terus telan. One shot.
- Kalau ko biar psyllium husk tu dalam air, dia kembang dan jadi gel. Ko nak dia kembang dalam perut.
- Lepas makan psyllium husk, minum satu atau dua gelas air kosong. Kalau tak, ko mati beragan.

3. Buah-buahan

Aku pilih pear dan epal untuk kandungan serat yang tinggi.

- aku dah tak makan SEMUA kek dan SEMUA kuih. Jadi, pencuci mulut aku ialah buah-buahan yang kurang manis sahaja. Aku makan tiga-empat biji sehari.
- Aku masukkan buah-buahan dalam salad

4. Sayur-sayuran

Ini cruciferous vegetables. Sila google

- Aku gandakan sayur yang aku makan.
- Aku tukar cara masak sayur supaya minimumkan minyak dan garam. Jadi, bila jumlah sayur yng dimakan digandakan, aku takdela menggandakan jumlah minyak dan garam. Common sense kan?
- Kalau aku malas memasak sayur, aku makan salad. Butterhead lettuce, romaine lettuce, green and red coral, rocket (yang ni tak sedap!) ni semua jenis sayur mat salleh yang tak payah masak. Basuh dan sumbat sahaja.
- Kos? Seikat sawi kat supermarket ialah RM2. Seikat Bok choy ialah RM0.99. Butterhead lettuce? RM4-5 untuk satu kotak, setiap kotak ada dua (satu butterhead lettuce atau one head boleh buat salad cukup untuk seorang makan dua kali sehari, kalau campur sayur dan buah lain)
- sayur agak murah, jadi gunakan dengan bijak.

Selain makanan serat tinggi, aku juga ada beberapa bahan makanan yang aku letak sebagai prioriti:

1. Bawang putih

- bawang putih yang dihiris atau direnyuk akan mengalami tindakbalas yang menghasilkan hidrogen sulfida. Hidrogen sulfida melembutkan urat dalam badan dan melancarkan perjalanan darah.
- tindakbalas penghasilan hidrogen sulfida dalam bawang putih akan berkurangan atau hilang sepenuhnya jika bawang putih diproses atau dimasak.
- Oleh itu, bawang putih harus dimakan mentah.
- Hidrogen sulfida menyebabkan bau telur tembelang, jadi selepas makan, kentut akan berbau super busuk.
- Untuk melawan bau kentut hidrogen sulfida, aku makan halia. Kentut akan berbau sedap atau tidak berbau langsung.
- bawang putih juga ada sejumlah antioxidant yang bagus.

2. Badam

- badam atau almonds (sebutan: Om-mon, "L" tidak disebut. ) ada banyak benda bagus dalam dia. Lemak tak tepu dalam badam akan menurunkan LDL-cholesterol, dan vitamin E bertindak sebagai anti-oxidant yang menyihatkan badan.
- badam juga kaya dengan zinc dan magnesium, bersama riboflavin (vitamin B2 ). Zinc membantu menawal perasaan. Magnesium melancarkan peredaran darah dan vitamin B menurunkan tekanan perasaan. Kombo ini bagus untuk jantung.
- Perlu diingat, badam ni kalori dia sedikit tinggi. So, sehari ko patut makan suku cawan sahaja. Lebih kurang setengah genggam atau satu genggam je lah. Jangan makan banyak sangat, nanti kang mati sebab benda lain dalam dia.
- Badam jugak kaya serat terlarut (soluble fibre) dan membantu kita berasa kenyang tanpa makan benda lain.
- Beli badam yang baked/panggang sahaja, jangan beli salted, honey roasted, or whatever. Kalau beli badam jenis lain tu, baik la ko pergi makan McDonalds, balik rumah, pastu terjun bangunan.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Almanak Masakan Bumi dan Langit: Sejuk Mata Pedang, Dingin Hati

Pakcik teksi yang datang ke rumah aku aritu cerita masalah dia untuk jaga makan selepas kena sakit jantung ialah memenuhi jemputan kenduri tanpa makan hidangan kenduri yang semuanya membunuh orang.

Aku rasa, pakcik tu nak makan benda-benda tu, dan tekanan sosial hanyalah alasan supaya dia boleh makan benda masin, manis dan berlemak tanpa rasa bersalah.

Bagi aku, senang aje - aku tak makan kat kenduri atau event, tapi makan kat rumah. Aku tak peduli la orang ingat aku kurang ajar ke, whatever ke, tapi aku taknak makan makanan sampah tu semua.

Aku masih ingat rasa masin dan rasa lemak (umami) paru-paru lembu goreng, kulit ayam KFC yang masin dan rangup, juga rasa teh tarik, semua jenis kek, biskut, nasi lemak, sup ekor dan semua makanan manusia biasa.

Tapi bila aku dah lepaskan makanan tu semua, maksudnya aku tak boleh makan lagi dah. Dia macam bila aku dah cut off sesetengah orang yang backstab aku, mati hidup balik pun aku takkan peduli pasal diorang.

Aku cuma simpan memori rasa makanan tu setiap satu. Kira cerai talak tiga (sehingga sampai masa manusia boleh buat jantung pakai 3D printer).

Takdela rasa mengidam ke apa langsung, kecuali garam. Aku dulu makan benda-benda masin. Maggi, kicap, perencah tu semua aku balun. Sekarang jumlah garam aku dah dikurangkan ke tahap dua sudu teh sehari sahaja.

Memasak sendiri memberi aku peluang mencuba pelbagai jenis rempah untuk rasa yang berbeza. Esok aku nak cuba memasak daging panggang (steak) tanpa gunakan kunyit - hanya pakai rempah mat salleh.

Yang aku terasa kadang-kadang cuma nak isap rokok. Hari ni, genap 31 hari aku tak hisap rokok. Aku masih ingat peparu yang penuh asap dan hembusan yang penuh cool dan bergaya.

Aku rasa nak isap rokok bila aku menunggu. Rupanya, selama ni aku isap rokok bila aku tunggu atau takde mende nak buat. Selagi aku bergerak dan kehidupan/kewujudan aku ada tujuan, aku tak rasa pun nak isap rokok.

So, aku rasa perubahan gaya hidup aku takde le membebankan pun. Takde la seksa drama pondan ke apa ke. In fact, aku suka experiment dengan resepi baru.

Jadual tidur aku dah berubah. Sekarang aku tidur pukul 12 dan bangun pukul 7 pagi. Ini penting sebab aku baca pasal kadar imbangan melatonin dalam badan dan kesan berjaga malam. Tidur malam lagi bagus daripada tidur siang, sebab kadar cahaya yang kita terima. Bila aku tidur malam, aku buat bilik aku segelap yang mungkin, tanpa cahaya luar.

Ada experiment yang dijalankan termasuk di Korea Selatan mencadangkan bahawa ketika tidur, cahaya yang terang mengganggu laluan saraf antara mata dan otak, walaupun kelopak mata tertutup. Ini akan mengacau rembesan hormon, kawalan suhu badan dan banyak lagi fungsi badan yang dikawal oleh otak tidak sedar dan sistem saraf kita.

Cara paling bagus ialah dengan memaksimakan REM sleep (rapid eye movement) atau 'tidur bermimpi'. Ini boleh dicapai dengan tidur selama setengah jam setiap tiga jam, sepanjang hari dan malam. Selepas seminggu dua, badan dan otak kita akan masuk fasa 'tidur bermimpi' selepas hanya 3-4 minit terlelap. Hasilnya, kita tidak hanya masuk fasa REM sleep sekali sehari, tetapi banyak kali.

Tidur bermimpi atau REM sleep mengeluarkan serotonin otak. Serotonin otak diperlukan untuk kekal waras dan berfungsi sebagai manusia. Ada juga serotonin perut, dan ini dirembeskan hanya oleh perut selepas makan. Serotonin otak dan serotonin perut tidak bercampur dan hanya dirembeskan di kawasannya sahaja.

Tiga minggu selepas aku terkena serangan sakit jantung, aku sudah turun 10kg dan tak turun lagi. Ini disebabkan aku tidak mampu menjalankan senaman yang lebih intensif. Sepatutnya aku tunggu beberapa bulan, tapi aku fikir aku mampu bersenam dengan lebih gila.

Aku dapat rasakan kekuatan aku kembali. Aku sudah boleh naik tangga 11 tingkat (22 flights of stairs, around 230 steps) tanpa rasa sakit dada atau kepenatan melampau.

Aku perlu rujuk cardiac rehab untuk senaman yang lebih intensif. Aku nak pergi berenang, atau tengok Gym baru kat Sports Center DBKL, tapi nanti kang mati pulak tengah pool.

Aku harap cardiac rehab kat UMMC bagus dengan maklumat yang terperinci. Aku selama ni rasa pengetahuan aku pasal nutrition lagi bagus, tapi itu sebab aku seorang yang angkuh dan bongkak. Aku dah book appointment dengan diorang pada minggu pertama October ni.

Aku yakin, kalau aku boleh buat cardio workout yang lebih intensif, aku boleh buang air dan lemak daripada badan dan turun lagi 17 kilo dalam masa dua bulan saja. Tapi sekarang aku sabar je lah.

Yang penting, kalau kau atau sesiapa nak tukar gaya hidup sebab sakit atau saja gatal, ko kena ada hati yang tiada belas kasihan.

EDIT: Satu lagi benda takleh makan sampai bila-bila - SEMUA JENIS KUIH. Sejuk mata pedang, dingin hati!

Almanak Masakan Bumi dan Langit: Hikmat Serat Tinggi

Aku mengamalkan pemakanan serat tinggi sebab aku dah nak mampus. Apa maksud serat tinggi dan kenapa aku pilih benda alah ni? Aku nak turunkan kolesterol, sebab penyakit jantung aku akan bunuh aku kalau kolesterol aku tinggi. Atau lebih teruk lagi, kalau kolesterol tinggi (dan kalau aku isap rokok dan hidup dengan stress tinggi), aku mungkin kena stroke. Kena stroke lagi teruk daripada mati. Aku lebih suka mati daripada kena stroke.

Serat terbahagi kepada TIGA jenis:

1. Serat larut (soluble fibre)

- oats, buah limau, kekacang, psyllium husk
- serat larut mengeluarkan kolesterol, menambah kandungan air dalam usus kecil dan melembutkan taik.
- memerlahankan pencernaan, menarik air masuk ke usus
- serat larut ni biasanya daripada dinding tumbuh-tumbuhan.

2. Serat tak larut (insoluble fibre)

- bijirin penuh/perang, buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran.
- serat tak larut menambah jisim taik dalam usus.
- mengenyangkan
- menjadi bahan pelawas

3. Kanji kental (resistant starch)

- bijirin, buah, sayur, etc.
- bila sesetengah makanan berkanji dimasak dan dibiarkan sejuk, ada yang akan menghasilkan kanji lebih kental. Ini sekarang dikira serat jugak.

Manusia patut makan 38g serat sehari, tapi biasanya purata global dalam 14g sahaja. Jadi, apa saja serat ko makan sekarang, ko kena gandakan. Untuk panduan, sekeping roti wholemeal ada 2g serat. Takleh la makan 20 keping terus, sebab bersama dengan serat dalam roti tu ada gula, garam, lemak, etc.

So kalau nak pemakanan serat tinggi ni kena pandai la.

Pasal apa? Well,

Khasiat serat tinggi berdasarkan penyakit:

1. Penyakit jantung

- pemakanan serat tinggi menurunkan kolesterol.
- walaupun tiada kajian conclusive antara penyakit jantung dan kandungan serat dalam makanan, penurunan kolesterol memang disahkan bila kita makan makanan serat tinggi.
- menambah 10g serat dalam pemakanan sehari, setiap hari, akan menurunkan risiko sakit jantung sebanyak 15% dalam tujuh tahun pertama selepas kena sakit jantung.

2. kencing manis (type-2)

- serat tak menaikkan kadar gula dalam darah seperti karbohidrat biasa atau gula, jdi makanan serat tinggi bagus untuk pesakit kencing manis dan mereka yang nak mengelak kencing manis.
- makanan serat tinggi mengenyangkan, jadi kawalan jumlah makanan yang dimakan lebih senang.

3. Barah

- makanan serat tinggi menurunkan risiko sesetengah barah seperti barah usus.
- makanan erat tinggi juga kaya antioxidant

4. Gemuk

- orang gemuk kena makan makanan serat tinggi.

Okaylah. Aku nak pergi tengok Detective Conan ni. Esok aku tulis pasal psyllium husk dan cara makan oats.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Almanak Masakan Bumi dan Langit: Neraca Hidup dan Mati

Sambil-sambil aku tengok Detective Conan ni, aku nak bagi tips umum pasal pemakanan sama ada untuk orang yang nak mati macam aku, sakit jantung, etc, juga untuk orang yang nak kuruskan badan.

Simple je, kalau nak kuruskan badan - makanan (tenaga) yang masuk dalam badan mesti kurang daripada jumlah tenaga yang digunakan. Defisit ini akan diambil daripada simpanan lemak, protein, etc.

Takde makanan ajaib atau benda yang dijual dek MLM yang mampu menguruskan ko, melainkan racun rumpai yang boleh mematikan ko terus, bes pekat atau asid pekat yang boleh mencairkan organ dalaman ko, atau bahan radioaktif yang menukarkan ko jadi beruk.

Benda paling penting yang orang tak peduli ialah portioning. Masa aku kat hospital dulu, aku selalu perasan pasal berapa banyak makanan dia bagi aku mengikut sukatan yang agak tepat.

Contohnya, satu sajian nasi ialah dua sudu besar sahaja. Satu hari, manusia biasa patut makan 6-7 sajian bijirin atau nasi (7 X 2 sudu besar nasi = 14 sudu besar nasi).

Nak kira dengan lebih jelas, macam ni la. Satu suku (1/4 cawan) beras kering akan mengembang jadi satu cawan nasi. Satu cawan (bukan mangkuk) nasi ialah dua sajian.

Jumlah keperluan manusia berlainan, bergantung ko dengar daripada siapa, dan negara mana, kementerian mana, bangsa apa, etc.

Bagi aku, aku ikut hospital punya kira campur USFDA punya recommendation. Satu kali makan, nasi dia bagi satu mangkuk. Bukan mangkuk besar, tapi mangkuk kecil/sederhana. Jadi aku ingat jumlah ni, dan aku ikut.

Aku pakai penyukat 3/4 cawan beras perang (12/4 cawan atau 3 cawan nasi) untuk cukup nasi selama satu hari atau dua kali makan. Ini bermakna setiap makan tengahari dan makan malam, aku makan satu setengah cawan nasi.

Campur dengan karbohidrat aku dapat daripada roti wholemeal (sarapan) dan oats (snacks and fillers), aku mencapai 300gm - lebih kurang US FDA DRV (Daily Reference Value) untuk keperluan karbohidrat aku, tolak sedikit.

Protein. Aku beli dada ayam (tanpa tulang, tetapi berkulit) dalam lingkungan berat 500-550gm. Setiap satu peket setengah kilo ada DUA dada ayam. Setelah membuang kulit dan lemak, aku kira SATU dada ayam ialah seberat 180-200gm.

Kalau aku makan dengan nasi, aku boleh masak 200gm daging ayam ini (bersama bawang dan mungkin lobak) untuk dua kali makan (lunch + dinner). Jadi, pengambilan protein aku kekal 180-200gm sehari.

Pada hari aku tidak makan nasi, aku ada dua pilihan:

1. Makan banyak sayur salad sebagai hidangan utama dengan sokongan sup ayam.

2. Bakar ayam sebagai hidangan utama dengan sokongan salad

Pilihan satu mengehadkan pengambilan protein aku pada 180-200gm sehari, sebab sup yang sama aku boleh makan dua kali.

Pilihan kedua menggandakan pengambilan protein aku sebab aku akan bakar dua dada ayam sehari. 400gm protein sehari.

Oh, ya. Aku juga tidak mengambilkira protein yang aku ambil pada waktu pagi melalui Ayam Brand Tuna in Mineral Water. Itu dalam 50gm kot.

Protein penting sebab inilah makanan yang buat kita rasa kenyang lebih lama. Kajian saintis makanan menunjukkan protein menyebabkan manusia rasa kenyang dan kadangkala, gembira. Protein yang tidak digunakan mungkin dihantar ke buah pinggang atau hati, jadi terlebih makan protein boleh merosakkan organ dalaman. Lebih-lebih lagi kalau makan protein berlemak dan ada asid urik yang banyak.

Karbohidrat menentukan tenaga kita pada masa itu. Malah, ada kajian menggunakan adik-beradik kembar menunjukkan yang pemakanan karbohidrat bijak memastikan kita sentiasa ada tenaga sepanjang hari. Namun, tenaga yang tidak digunakan akan disimpan sebagai lemak.

Masuk bab susu, keju, krim, etc.

Ada kajian baru dari Denmark yang mengatakan pengmbilan susu dan keluaran tenusu akan mengurangkan jumlah lemak dalam badan kita, sebab kalsium dalam susu dan keluaran tenusu akan membawa minyak dan lemak lain keluar dari badan melalui saluran taik.

Aku tak percaya sangat. Mungkin ada betulnya, jadi, baik ambik pil kalsium. Kalau ambik terlebih, kang takut kena batu karang pulak.

So, apa aku buat ialah, aku beli low fat milk yang ada sterol, dan aku consume dalam 2 carton a week. That's 2L of low fat milk a week. Aku pilih low fat milk sebab fresh milk ada saturated fat. Ada orang cakap fresh milk is better, tapi kalau lagi bagus pun, aku tolak semua saturated fat. Fuck off.

Yang lainnya, aku pakai soy milk.

Soy milk bagus, tapi ada masalah.

Soy milk yang aku pakai ialah SoyFresh yang ada letak Omega 3 dan 6. Ada pengawet, tapi dah takleh lari dah ni.

Susu soya amat bagus untuk tubuh dan jantung, tapi dia ada satu kelemahan. Susu kacang soya ada isoflavones dan ini menyerupai kesan hormon estrogen dalam badan. Malah, isoflavones juga dipanggil phytoestrogen.

Risiko pengambilan susu kacang soya yang melampau (belum dibuktikan secara sahih) ialah: kanser payudara untuk perempuan, kekurangan sperma bagi lelaki.

Jadi, dah takleh lari sebab aku gunakan susu low fat atau susu kacang soya untuk makan oats. Jadi aku alternatekan. Minggu ni aku minum susu kacang soya. Minggu depan aku minum low-fat milk dengan sterol.

Pergi ke sayur.

Makanlah banyak sayur dan buah-buahan, tapi jangan lupa - sayur dan buah juga ada kalori dan gula. Satu lagi risiko makan benda-benda mentah yang sihat ni ialah kecacingan.

Selepas dua minggu aku keluar hospital dan makan sayur segar sahaja, aku mula gatal bontot - tanda ada cacing dalam perut. Aku beli Zentel, satu hari je settle.

Tapi aku tau, setiap dua-tiga bulan, sebab aku makan banyak makanan mentah, risiko terdedah pada telur cacing mungkin meningkat. Aku ready dengan Zentel je lah.

Gula dalam buah kena jaga. Kat hospital, aku diberi tiga servings of buah sehari. Ini lebih kurang setengah betik, setengah cantaloupe, atau whatever yang ada la.

Kat luar hospital, sebab aku dah eliminate kebanyakan sugar intake aku, aku boleh benarkan lebih banyak buah. Setiap hari, aku makan 4 biji buah yang tak manis sangat. Biasanya: 1 pear atau epal waktu pagi. 1 oren atau pear selepas lunch. 1 oren atau pear/epal selepas dinner. 1 apa buah aku nak makan, 2 jam sebelum aku tidur.

Kalau aku buat mixed salad, aku akan pakai 3 biji buah - epal hijau, pear, oren. Dengan satu butterhead lettuce, bila campur, salad campur ni boleh dimakan sampai kenyang sebanyak dua kali. Jadi, bila aku buat salad campur ni, aku tak makan buah selepas meal.

Itu je lah kot, benda dalam kepala otak aku sambil tengok Detective Conan ni. Jumpa lagi esok pasal benda-benda lain pulak. Kalau aku masih hidup la.

Almanak Masakan Bumi dan Langit: Memasak Sambil Mencarut (Panduan Memasak Sihat... Sambil Mencarut)

Pagi tadi, aku naik teksi dari TMC. Aku borak dengan pakcik teksi tu dan dia pun beritahu dia kena sakit jantung macam aku jugak tahun lepas.

Aku pun mula bukak cerita pasal pemakanan dan cara memasak yang sihat. Malangnya, pakcik tu nampak cam tak tau langsung apa kebenda yang dia kena elak dan camana nak masak masakan yang walaupun takdele sedap tahap dewa, tapi jauh lagi sedap daripada 99% masakan kat KL ni.

So, aku jemput pakcik drebar tu ke apartment aku untuk dengar kuliah tengahari. Dia jemput diri sendiri untuk makan tengahari. Aku tak kisah, walaupun aku mulanya syak pakcik ni gay sexual predator ke, tabligh ke, MLM ke, gila atau kesunyian. Aku rasa, dia sebenarnya lapar. Mungkin pokai.

Tapi, point dia bukan pasal aku nak berlagak baik dan canang berapa kilo pahala aku ari ni, tapi aku nak maki pasal pengetahuan common sense Melayu pasal pemakanan sihat memang rendah. Korang ni bodoh ke apa?

Aku fikir, ini disebabkan tahap ilmu orang Melayu dalam pemakanan sihat ni hampir tiada disebabkan makanan dan masakan kita semua jenis nak bunuh orang dan kalau kita dengar Dr M maki Melayu, dia cakap Melayu ni pemalas. Dalam hal ni, malas nak ambik tahu sebab rasa diri sendiri takkan sakit selagi bagi makan hantu raya. Fuck off.

Aku nak maki Melayu banyak benda, tapi ari ni aku gunakan skil carutan aku untuk cakap pasal pemakanan dan cara masakan yang sihat, terutama untuk orang sakit jantung.

1. Pemilihan bahan makanan/masakan

Pergi mampus benda-benda ni:

- kulit dan lemak ayam
- minyak kelapa sawit (lemak tepu)
- minyak kelapa (lemak tepu)
- mentega (lemak tepu)
- marjerin (aku tak peduli diperbuat daripada minyak zaitun ke, minyak cap kapak ke, minyak bijik kelentit mak kau - buang semua)
- dengan terhapusnya mentega dan marjerin, maka ko tak boleh makan semua jenis kek, biskut dan sesetengah jenis roti. Kah kah kah kah! Padan muka!
- lemak dan semua jenis organ dalaman semua jenis binatang termasuk lembu, kambing, ayam, bebiri, unta, gajah, ular, whatever. SEMUA jenis organ dalaman sekarang dah jadi off-limits. Termasuk kepala udang atau kepala sotong.
- garam biasa. Gunalah Garam Perancis sama ada dari laut atau bukit.
- ais krim
- gula
- kopi
- teh
- minuman coklat
- minuman malt
- SEMUA jenis daging yang diproses (burger, hot dog, cold cuts, daging cincang yang tidak dicincang sendiri)
- KURANGKAN ATAU TOKSAH MAKAN LANGSUNG: Apa-apa benda yang ditinkan, dibotolkan atau diawet. Fuck off semuanya. Semua benda yang diawet menggunakan sama ada bahan kimia cam kimak (antaranya propelene glycol atau anti-freeze), garam, atau gula. Aku makan gak, Ayam Brand Tuna in Water, tapi aku kurangkan. Aku jugak makan Smuckers Sugar Free jam, tapi aku kurangkan.
- Kurangkan atau toksah makan langsung nasi putih, roti putih. Fuck off. Jangan makan. Makan, mati terus.
- kurma. Fuck off kurma. Kurma ada kandunganj gula tinggi. Aku was-was, so dalam lima tahun ni, aku makan dalam 5 biji kurma sahaja. Itupun sebab member bawak. Lepas kena sakit jantung ni, fuck off kurma. Sesapa offer aku kurma, aku bagi German Suplex on the spot.

Summary: Jangan beli bahan makanan yang ada lemak tepu/saturated fat, garam, gula, bahan pengawet. Basically, jangan beli bahan-bahan yang fun. Beli barang yang buatkan kau rasa macam ko penjaga kem tahanan Jerman Perang Dunia Kedua.

Sebaliknya, BELILAH:

- buah-buahan omputih. Buah-buahan Melayu ni tak sihat sangat. Durian, nangka, cempedak semua ada kandungan gula tinggi. Aku paling suka nangka, tapi aku sedang cuba memastikan aku tak dapat kencing manis, jadi aku elakkan terus. Benda yang was-was ni, kita elakkan. Memandangkan buah-buahan dengan kandungan gula melampau boleh memudaratkan, aku elakkan terus. Pergi mampus. Aku tak beli. Tak mampus pun (lagi) kalau tak makan.
- sayur-sayuran cruciferous. Erm. Susah nak explain. Beli je la sayur bebanyak.
- dada ayam. Jangan lupa buang semua kulit dan lemak dia.
- daging tanpa lemak Australia/New Zealand. Aku makan daging import je, yang takde lemak. Bahagian lembu yang takde lemak, cuts dia dipanggil: tenderloin. Harga memang paling mahal antara semua daging, tapi sebab tu aku makan daging sekali seminggu je pun. Daging tempatan, walaupun cut sama (tenderloin = batang pinang), lemak dia still banyak. Aku pernah proses batang pinang dua kilo kat dapur mak aku. Aku tau la bahaya dia. Kalau dah sakit jantung tu, beli daging Australia je la. Fuck off daging tempatan. Biar orang tak kena sakit jantung/stroke pergi makan daging tempatan.
- beras perang
- oats
- rolled oats
- steel-milled oats
- badam
- psyllium husk
- roti wholemeal
- low-fat milk with sterol (sterol ni macam klorofil la. Kalau tak mampu, makan rumput tu ha).
- agave nectar. Dulu aku makan madu. Sekarang aku dah beralih ke agave nectar sebab glycaemic index dia rendah dan rasa manis dia lebih intense.
- apple cider vinegar (terbukti boleh menurnkan kolesterol)
- bawang putih
- bawang merah
- halia (khasiat bawang putih, merah dan halia serta cara memakan akan dibincangkan dalam entry akan datang)

Summary: Aku mengamalkan diet Sekolah Kung Fu Serat Tinggi. Kelebihan pemakanan macam ni ialah penurunan kolesterol dalam darah dan penjagaan kadar indeks glycaemic yang sederhana. Tujuan besarnya ialah mengelak serangan sakit jantung lagi, ataupun stroke, sambil memastikan aku tak dapat kencing manis.

2. Hikmat Masakan Orang Nak Mampus

Kalau dah sedar diri nak mampus, jangan goreng atau masak makanan macam dulu. Aku cadangkan EMPAT jurus masakan SAHAJA:

A. Rebus
B. Bakar
C. Kukus
D. Gaul (Salad)

A. Rebus

Ini termasuk tumis air. Resepi semua ada kat beberapa post kat bawah blog ni. Rebus je semua. Simple. Senang. Sihat. SSS. Asses.

Sekadar Hiasan

Basically, untuk sayur: tumis bawang putih, masukkan air, masukkan garam Perancis (sikit je), masukkan sayur, tunggu 5-10 minit. Abis.

Untuk sup ayam: tumis bawang merah dan halia, masukkan air, garam, bunga lawang, dada ayam, tunggu 5-10 minit.

Pakai jurus merebus ni,buat kari, kurma pun boleh.

B. Bakar

Aku baru beli grill. Bukan grill la, tapi double-sided pan. Brand Happycall.

Ari ni aku masak apa orang Kuantan panggil grilled chicken breast with aubergine, button mushroom and onion. Orang KL panggil: ayam panggang dengan cendawan dan terung.

Nak pakai grill ni ada trick dia, kalau nak kekalkan sihat.

Pertama sekali, masukkan minyak yang ko pakai (untuk grill, aku pakai minyak zaitun) dalam spray bottle.

Ini memastikan, bila ko pakai minyak ni, ko tak pakai lebih. Biasa kalau Melayu masak, dia main tuang je. Tak boleh tuang. Tuang = beruk. Manusia pakai spray je minyak tu. Lagipun, minyak zaitun mahal. Aku beli RM40 untuk 1L kot. Pakaila sikit-sikit acah-acah je.

Tip ni aku tengok kat satu show Oprah Winfrey dulu. Tapi bukan dia je pakai. Gordon Ramsay pun ada tip nak buat vinaigrette pakai botol lebih kurang camni. 

Lepas spray, ko pakai pastry brush atau food brush:

Ni untuk ratakan minyak kat sesuatu permukaan, jadi lepas spray dua tiga kali, dah boleh sapu. Takyah nak spray sampai lima belas kali. Baik tuang je terus.

C. Kukus

Semua benda yang ko boleh kukus, ko kukus je.

D. Gaul (Salad)

Ni paling senang untuk orang pemalas macam aku.

Ambik butterhead lettuce, campak buah yang dipotong, letak dua sudu besar apple cider vinegar dan gaul. Settle. Makan terus. Tak abis? Simpan, makan esok.

Apa benda susah sangat? Pergilah mampus.

Aku ada banyak lagi benda nak share, tips and tricks yang aku dah cuba serta kumpul sejak sebulan aku kena sakit jantung itu hari. Tapi setakat ni dulu la.

Sumber: Semua maklumat yang aku kongsi kat sini aku kumpul daripada kajian asli aku, lebih 20 jam dokumentari pasal pemakanan dan cara memasak sihat di YouTube (kebanyakannya terbitan BBC), juga wikipedia dan jurnal kesihatan tentang sesetengah bahan makanan. Kajian pemakanan sentiasa dijalankan dan penemuan baru akan diumumkan setiap hari oleh saintis. Untuk keterangan lanjut, sila tanya doktor. Aku bukan doktor. Aku pesakit. Nutritionist kat Malaysia ni agak gagal la. Semua tak tau apa yang aku tau. Google pun malas diorang ni. 

Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Day That Was

So I started the day today quite happy and ended it quite relieved, though the middle part was large patches of boredom punctuated by moments of sheer terror.

In the morning, the courier service delivered this to me:


That's a Happycall double-sided pan that I use as a stove top grill. My reformatting of my food intake after the heart attack on Aug 29 means a few drastic changes:

1. Fuck salt.

- I only use salt sparingly, and have gotten rid of table salt. Now I use French sea salt, but I was told that mountain rock salt is better, especially the yellow or pink ones. Will investigate.

Salt and minerals have a huge impact on heart disease as well as heart attacks. This is a no-compromise issue. regulation of my salt intake is extremely important.

Therefore, I don't eat out at fast food restaurants with the likes of you apes anymore. I stay home and eat like an ape. With lots of vegetables and fruits.

2. Fuck oil

- I minimise oil, even to the extent I pour high quality olive oil into a spray bottle and use that to grease pans and flavour my food.

So, a grill was necessary, and I got one. Happycall double sided pan is cheap. I tried it today with my own grilled chicken recipe, and the result was sublime. I will share the recipe with you idiots later.

Anyway, as I was enjoying my grilled chicken, I SMSed a doctor friend about this recurring headache I've been having for the past three days.

His response?

"Get yourself to the emergency room now."

Wait, no, that's not it. Let me open my SMS history.

"Pergi emergency. Takut bleed."

I was like, what the fuck?

So I called him and got the low-down. I was on blood thinning medication since my heart attack. That's a day short of a month ago. Blood-thinning medication can cause intracranial bleeding, or bleeding inside my skull, like, on the brain.

Symptoms would include headaches and dizziness, etc, etc. Point is, I should get my ass to the emergency room now for a CT Scan of my brain.

Me: Aren't there any other possible scenarios than internal bleeding on my brain?

Dr Friend: You ask me, that's what I would recommend. Just get a CT scan.

So, I had lunch, took a shower and then got myself to UMMC. While UMMC was excellent when I had my heart attack on AUg 29, the sheer fact that I looked nowhere near dying meant the whole ordeal took six hours.

This includes 45-minutes to one hour of waiting to see a proper doctor and three hours of waiting for the results. Level of service and professionalism by UMMC staff still very commendable and it was a pleasure dealing with them again.

Anyway, long story short, I had a CT scan and five different blood tests, all of which confirms that I am quite healthy and my brain is in pristine condition.

I had to pay close to RM400, but it was a relief to know that I did not have a stroke and that my brain can still be used to watch porn, with the aid of some painkillers.

I informed my doctor friend and he said a few things that covered his rash diagnosis earlier. I would have made fun of him, but I appreciate the fact that there's no intracranial bleeding in my head and that my doctor friend helped when I asked for information.

So I went home quite happy, then called my mother to explain the situation to her. She, of course, doesn't listen - preferring instead to be in cahoots with my other sister in Kuantan by putting me on speakerphone so everyone could eavesdrop on our conversation.

I was so pissed off, I slammed the phone. I don't talk to people who do not listen, and I HATE sneaky people who think they're smarter than me. I am the greatest mind of the 21st Century.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Quality of Death

I've been preparing for death - my death - since I was 17 years old, so the heart attack I received on Aug 29 was not that scary. I've never been afraid of death, am just concerned about the quality of death.

A doctor friend laid it out like this - most humans will die of either:

1. Heart attack

2. Stroke

3. Cancer

4. Accident

The rest might die of:

5. Kidney failure.

6. Liver failure

7. Sarcoidosis

Of these things, cancer is the worst way to go. It's a slow pain that eats you up and the only medicine brings about more pain than the disease.

I know exactly how I want to die - massive morphine overdose. I just need to have enough money at the end of my life to end it all with maybe nine pints of morphine.

The alternative, up till I was in my mid-20s, was to go out in a blaze of glory while defending a Japanese-Jewish girl from the yakuza. I'd use a sword and stuff and die with my back to a tree.

And then The Wolverine took that idea and I cannot die with the premise of a second-rate X-Men movie.

So, morphine it is. The best painkiller ever, and the choice for euthaniasts the world over.

Tomorrow, I will go for an MRI to see how much of my heart is dead from the cardiac arrest almost four weeks ago.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Malaysians' Fake World

For some reason, some people have problems believing I had a heart attack on Aug 29.

They responded to the news with suspicion and sometimes outright cynicism. As if I'm a conman out to con... something.

The thing is, I am not like them - I do not lie - so I would not even consider faking a heart attack and undergoing a totally unnecessary invasive heart procedure that installed a stent in one of my coronary arteries. I WISH I am faking all this, so I can smoke again and stuff lots of beef down my face-hole.

This whole thing convinced me that Malaysians and their friends all live in a fake, delusional world.

I mean, most of them don't have insurance, they don't plan for their death or even pay taxes. One idiot monkey even accosted me on Twitter demanding to know why I'm paying taxes. He is of the stupid demented belief that only rich people pay taxes.

This is the kind of stupidity in this country that led me to having a heart attack in the first place. You monkeys are soooooooo, sooooo fucking stupid.

I mean, the other day, I found out there was some fuss being made about a UN job offer.

It was made as if a UN job offer is only given to the best of the best. As if to qualify, you need to be the top of your game/industry.


Go to UNDP's website and look at the jobs being listed. UNDP - UN Development Programme or Project or whatever - recruits anyone between Directors with 15 years experience all the way to security guards, drivers and menial job clerks.

How do I know this? Well, in 2008, UN interviewed me. IAEA - the International Atomic Energy Association - interviewed me for a job. Why? For what? Must be for my extensive skills and knowledge in defusing nuclear bombs, or my experience with giant lizards with atomic breath.


I applied for a job to be their web editor. What was I supposed to do? Update their fucking website. In Bonn, Germany. That's why I started learning German for a month.

That job didn't require me to be the best web editor in the world. Not even the best in Malaysia. Not even the best whatever. It's just a job.

The UN is just one big stupid Government thingy. They don't just hire the best in the business. They hire what they need, including janitors, librarians (one of the jobs I applied) or web fucks (the one they interviewed me for).

The interview didn't go too well and I didn't get the job. Primarily because I only speak and write 2 languages fluently, and not three-four UN languages. They later sent me a letter saying I didn't get it but encouraged me to apply for it again.

But here's the thing. Malaysians are so in awe of the real world because they all live in fake, delusional worlds.

Just look at the 'urban liberals'. They think they live in the US or Japan or some mythical Karim Raslan alternate reality or some shit.

Look at our politicians. Najib has a total disconnect with his power base - the rural folk, the swamp people, the village mobs. He never had to shop for anything at the wet market.

Najib's advisors are all privileged sons and daughters of rich people who cannot connect with the real people. Just because your Bangsar/TTDI/Damansara stupid friends don't like something, does NOT mean the whole country feels the same.

Fuck you and all your thieving parents. Your parents are thieves! And your grandparents too! Suck my dick!

And when the BN politicians do come down and listen to the real people, they get intercepted by stupid NGOs who dress up in paramilitary gear. Another case of dementia.

Don't get me started with the Opposition.

In my opinion, DAP are all racist fucks promoting a racist agenda so they could steal all the money that's left.  PKR are delusional double-standard unprincipled pretend-victim wannabe-democrats who all kiss and suck Anwar Ibrahim's ass. PAIS-M, meanwhile, have raped the religion of Islam for their own personal benefits.

To me, ALL politicians are liars. Whenever I meet a politician, they always lie to my face. They are the ones who created a delusional Malaysia who believe in conspiracy theories and have trouble believing that I had a legit heart attack on Aug 29.


Monday, September 15, 2014

Resepi Orang Nak Mampus: Salad Campur

Lepas kena sakit jantung yang menyebabkan aku hampir nak mampus, aku dah berusaha menukar pemakanan aku. Antara benda yang aku buat ialah:

A. Dapatkan tidur yang cukup dan konsisten
- ini penting untuk memastikan aku dapat cukup serotonin dan tak mampus sebab tekanan.

B. Berenti isap rokok
- ini bukan pilihan lagi dah.

C. Reformasi pemakanan dengan:

1. Makan makanan serat tinggi.
2. Minimumkan minyak dan kolesterol
3. Minimumkan garam dalam makanan
4. Tukar garam kepada Garam Perancis.
5. Merombak penyediaan makanan
6. Memilih bahan-bahan dengan teliti
7. Mengawal jumlah makanan yang diambil
8. Makan di meja makan dan bukan makan sambil bekerja.

Hari ni aku nak cakap pasal buat salad. Ramai orang Melayu pemalas, bak kata Dr M, dan selebihnya, bodoh, bak kata aku. Jadi aku kongsi cemana nak buat salad.


1. Butterhead lettuce

- Ini ialah pasak bumi untuk salad ini. Aku pakai satu kepala salad terus dan memang terlampau banyak dan terlalu kenyang bila dicampur dengan bahan-bahan lain.

2. Red and green coral lettuce/salad thing

- Okay je. Tak payah pakai banyak sangat. Saja nak tambah texture.

3. Capsicum

- Kepelbagaian masa makan.

4. Cherry tomatoes

- Tambah warna pada salad, penuh vitamin C, blablabla. Rasa best gak.

5. Wild rocket - TIDAK DIREKOMEN

- Rasa macam kesing (serangga busuk)

6. Epal hijau

- Epal merah pun okay. Kalau aku malas, aku letak pear.

7. Oren.

- Oren ni belah dua. Satu belah, perah. Sebelah lagi, kerat kecik-kecik.

Dressing: Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar dan jus oren segar (diperah sendiri).

- Masalah orang Melayu makan salad ialah dressing. Ramai melantak mayonais atau thousand island. Ini menggagalkan salad sebagai hidangan sihat, dan menjadikannya hidangan bodoh terencat yang mengakibatkan serangan sakit jantung, angin ahmar dan mati pucuk.

Dressing yang tinggi kadar lemak, garam dan benda-benda bodoh lain mengakibatkan kesan pemakanan sama sahaja dengan makan fast food.

Kalau nak makan salad dengan mayonais, atau makan apa-apa saja benda dalam dunia ni dengan mayonais, silalah makan kulit ayam goreng KFC, Big Mac dan pizza keju lebih. Juga, buka penutup bekas garam, dan tuang dalam mulut.

Cara-cara memasak:

1. Basuh semua bahan. Buah semua kena potong.

2. Masukkan dalam mangkuk

3. Curah dua-tiga sudu Bragg's apple cider vinegar

4. Gaul.

5. Makan.

Anggaran penyediaan dan gaul = kurang 5 minit.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Terung Mahawangsa: Resepi Orang Nak Mampus

Hai adik-adik! Abang Terung kena sakit jantung dua minggu lepas dan selepas pembedahan bionik, sekarang hanya boleh makan makanan serta hidangan sihat sahaja. Akibatnya, berat abang Terung sudah turun sebanyak 10kg dalam masa kurang dua minggu. TANPA SENAMAN BERAT.

Di sini, abang Terung ingin berkongsi resepi masakan dan tips pemakanan yang dipanggil 'Resepi Orang Nak Mampus', sebab memang dua minggu lepas abang rasa cam nak mampus dah.

1. Breakfast/Sarapan/Asagohang

- Mulakan dengan psyllium husk. Psyllium husk - atau dedak istimewa - boleh menurunkan kolesterol darah dan menyebabkan berak yang hebat.
- Campur dua sudu psyllium husk dengan satu sudu madu Australia dan dua sudu apple cider vinegar. Tambah air. Minum.

- Makan ubat.

- Makan oats. Kalau abang Terung kena ajar ko cemana nak makan oats, baik ko pergi masukkan diri sendiri dalam lubang puki mak ko sebab ko bodoh.

2. Lunch/Merarau/Makan tengahari

- Jangan percaya semua penipuan bahawa memasak itu susah dan memerlukan masa yang lama. Abang Terung memasak dua-empat hidangan dalam masa kurang 45 minit. Dan semuanya hidangan sihat!

A. Sayur Masak Air

- tumis bawang putih dengan minyak canola/bunga matahari/jagung. Gunakan minyak sikit dan jangan pakai minyak kelapa atau kelapasawit.
- Lepas naik bau bawang, masukkan air
- masukkan satu sudu teh garam. Pemilihan garam amat penting. Garam yang abang Terung gunakan ialah garam Perancis.

Garam Perancis

Garam ini dituai dengan mengumpul semua anak dara di negara Perancis - satu tugas yang hampir mustahil. Kemudian, semua anak dara yang ditangkap tadi dipukul dengan cemeti agar mereka menangis. Air mata anak dara perancis ini kemudian dikumpul dalam tujuh tempayan tradisional.
Selepas dikeringkan dengan cahaya matahari Perancis, maka terciptalah Garam Perancis.
- masukkan sayur.
- renih sampai masak.

B. Ayam Masak Air

- tumis bawang merah/kuning besar dan halia
- Lepas naik bau bawang, masukkan air.
- masukkan satu sudu teh garam. Ya, Garam Perancis.
- Masukkan ketulan dada ayam tanpa kuolit mahupun lemak.
- renih sampai masak

C. Ayam Masak Kari

- tumis bawang merah/kuning besar dan halia
- Lepas naik bau bawang, masukkan rempah kari tiga sudu teh.
- Masukkan air.
- masukkan satu sudu teh garam. Ya, Garam Perancis.
- Masukkan ketulan dada ayam tanpa kulit mahupun lemak.
- Masukkan tomato.
- renih sampai masak

D. Ayam Masak Kurma

- tumis bawang merah/kuning besar dan halia
- Lepas naik bau bawang, masukkan rempah kurma tiga sudu teh.
- Masukkan air.
- masukkan satu sudu teh garam. Ya, Garam Perancis.
- Masukkan ketulan dada ayam tanpa kulit mahupun lemak.
- Masukkan tomato.
- renih sampai masak

E. Daging Masak Kari

- tumis bawang merah/kuning besar dan halia
- Lepas naik bau bawang, masukkan rempah kari tiga sudu teh.
- Masukkan air.
- masukkan satu sudu teh garam. Ya, Garam Perancis.
- Masukkan daging tanpa lemak.
- Masukkan tomato.
- renih sampai masak

F. Sambal Belacan Salsa

- Belacan ialah bahan makanan yang AMAT tidak sihat. Tetapi, seperti seorang kekasih yang suka menikam dada ini dengan tombak berkarat, abang Terung kadang-kadang rindukan rasa dan bau belacan (pada makanan. Kalau pada orang, memang akan dipukul tanpa belas kasihan).

- Ambil secubit sahaja belacan. Boleh kata suku sudu teh atau kurang dari itu.
- Ambil empat ulas lada. Tumbuk dalam lesung bersama belacan yang amat sedikit tadi.
- Ambil tujuh-sembilan biji tomato ceri dan masukkan ke dalam lesung satu demi satu.
- Tumbuk sampai lumat.
- Apa yang terhasil ialah sambal belacan yang tak cukup belacan dan tak cukup pedas, juga terlebih tomato.
- Kiranya antara sambal belacan, ini hanyalah tahap blowjob sahaja.

3. Dinner/Makan Malam/Mentekedarah

- Untuk dinner, makan lauk dan nasi lebihan makan tengahari tadi.
- Lepas tu makan psyllium husk.
- Pastu tido.

Setakat itu saja nukilan abang kali ini. Abang masih penat sebab ari tu hampir nak mati. Kalau abang Terung dapat duit, nanti abang akan beli grill dan kita akan tengok apa resepi untuk makanan panggang bagi mereka yang nak mampus dah ataupun, bagaimana menikmati pasta yang betul-betul sihat,

Sampai jumpa lagi (kalau tak mati lagi)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Quit Playing Games With My Heart: Final Vent. Survive!

While at UMMC, I met exactly ONE racist fucktard - another patient.

This dude kept on telling me I had it cheaper.

"You had it cheaper," he said.

"Okay," I said, under the influence of mind-altering drugs. "I got charged 10K deposit for the angiogram. How much of a deposit did they charge you?"

"They charged me RM10K as well," said the dude.

"So we pay the same, then?" I asked.

"No! I got a RM5,000 assistance from Welfare," said the guy.

"Okayyyy. And thennn?"

"You pay cheaper! You Malay!"

Well, fuck you. I never initiated any conversation with the victim-wannabe racist idiot after that.

UM Medical Center is set up to be affordable for most people. My procedure required a deposit because apparently some people had it and then ran away without paying, as the gossip goes.

The RM10,000 deposit is not the final amount for the procedure. The angiogram is around 2K, and each angioplasty and stent has a separate cost. In total, I paid around 7K for the procedure. Which means they gave 3K back.

Hospitalisation is very affordable, and each daily test they did for liver function, blood glucose, BP (two-three times a day), are all quite okay.

I was staying first at the CCU and later at a ward. With four meals a day and round the clock supervision, it was extremely value for money. I mean, the nurses would give you sponge baths or even cleaned up your shit if need be. And I heard UMMC is still not the cheapest.

In terms of quality of service, professionalism, empathy and attitude, I rate UMMC cardiology ward and all the other departments I dealt with so far to have exceeded my expectations.

I fully expected a cheap but rude service, but these people - the doctors, nurses and staff - were very patient, accommodating and helpful. I can't thank them enough. Especially knowing civil servant pay scales.

The doctors were not condescending, which was a delight. They explained to me everything necessary and answered all my questions, despite - in the case of one consultant - having hundreds of beds and cases to go to. The dude has like, 5 minutes or less per bed and he was never rude, always patient and I find his attitude exemplary.

This goes to all doctors I encountered at UMMC. Not a single one was an idiot, and for that my compliments to their parents.

Nurses were very capable, very professional, experienced, fast, compassionate, even when I complained of something frivolous. Having seen my neighbour suffer from the hiccups (related to his heart condition) for four days, I pressed the red button when after a meal, I began to suffer from the hiccups.

They came. Ooooh.

In the first two days, every time I needed to pee, I pressed the red button and the nurses would come with a bed pan or a chamber pot, as I was not supposed to stand up or move about that much.

I also witnessed the nurses trying to flush the stomach of one of my neighbours before a colonoscopy. This task required feeding an old man litres of water with a substance to clear the intestines, as well as waiting for the old dude to go number two in his adult diaper.

And then changing them. And then repeat until the guy's colon is clean enough for a colonoscopy.

A job where every day you deal with cleaning up piss and shit and making sure you're clean again to hand over medication. I believe, like the policemen for law enforcement and teachers for our educational system, our nurses are the backbone of our healthcare.

The only drawback with UMMC is because it attracts a lot of people. Most of them poor or not rich.

I was lucky because I had my sister who immediately took over the tasks involved with insurance documentation like obtaining medical reports, settling the bills, etc, as well as lining up at the pharmacy.

There are always hundreds of people queuing up, and if I was alone, I don't know how long it would have taken me to even get discharged. This is not UMMC's fault and seeing how they work, I believe they are doing the best they can with the amount of people they have.

It's just... people get sick. Lots of people do. And a lot of them are not millionaires or children of thieves who stole all the money from this country and are now crying out for social justice by pretending to be a liberal while beating up their wives and girlfriends.

If I had the money, I would go to a private hospital just because it's faster and to ensure UMMC and other similar establishments can cater to people who are really in need at the time, such as myself right now. Right now I'm broke cause some people did not pay me money.

People who have the money should go to private hospitals. Leave UMMC and other establishments for the poor or the broke. If your net worth is over a million - fuck you.

Anyway, I just want to say thank you to the doctors, the nurses and the staff at UMMC. This episode was made survivable and bearable mostly through the good work of the people at UMMC.

Thank you. For serious.

Quit Playing Games With My Heart Part 5

Previously, on Amir Hafizi: I was wheeled in for an angiogram after suffering from a heart attack five days before that.

So there I was, lying on yet another bed as a nurse washed my forearm with massive amounts of alcohol. The medical team was going through the radial vessel.

Then there was an injection of anesthetics on my right hand. There was a choice between femoral or radial and I was glad it was radial.

So anyway, I have an version to bloodloss. I get all lightheaded and queasy at the sight of anyone losing blood. That's why I can't be a doctor. And because I do not want that kind of responsibility on my ass. And I'm too lazy.

So anyway, the doc pushed the catherer through my right hand, up my left arm, across the chest all the way into my heart. I only felt a cold stuffing feeling up my wrist, but little else.

After around 20 minutes of pushing the catherer and injecting a dye, they recorded the blood flow in my heart with pictures and videos that look like these:

Yes. X-rays have videos now.

As the doctors convene either for a short meeting so as to what to do with my heart, I watched the monitors with my bloodflow and stuff. 

Oh yes, I was fully conscious the whole time and when there were live footage of the flow in my heart, I watched all of it.

The doctor came back and told me the news. It was bad. I had two blockages - one 90% and the other 50%.

Our heart has three main arteries carrying oxygenated blood from the heart back to the heart - the right coronary artery, the left anterior descending artery and the left coronary artery. A block of 60-70% could result in a heart attack.

One of mine was 90% blocked. Another was 50%, possibly the one that caused all this problem five days prior, due to residual plaque.

So, the doctor explained to me what he was going to do and why. Also, why I need to come back a month later for MRI on the 50% blocked artery. I remember everything, but I'm not going to share this with you idiots. I was primarily worried at the time whether I would be able to have an erection because all this has shrunken my balls and dick to a very small size.

Anyway, they took care of the 90% blocked artery via a balloon (angioplasty) and then installed a stent. Blablabla.

Then they slapped me with the coolest bandage ever - it's a transparent hard plastic bandage/bracelet that had an air pump to maintain pressure on my right hand. It even had a small pump to inflate or deflate the thing pressing on the wound from the angiogram.

It looked so high tech. I can't find the picture online, but trust me, it's really cool.

And that was that. I was wheeled out and sent back to my ward. Stayed there another day, for monitoring and I was discharged the next day. The discharge process took almost half a day and could have been the entire day if I did not have someone to do it for me.

But anyway, I am uneventfully still alive and recovering nicely from the ordeal. I will return to UMMC for the MRI in order to determine how much tissue damage my heart has sustained and if there are any necessary follow-up procedures. I'll also be back for cardiac rehab, which is like, once a month or something.

I am also sentenced to blood thinners for the rest of my life. As well as a few other meds. Right now, I am on six different meds.

Anyway, aftermath and my thoughts on UMMC, the Malaysian medical system and other thoughts will be recorded in the next and final instalment of this heart attack series.


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Quit Playing Games With My Heart Part 4




Previously, on Amir Hafizi: After surviving a massive heart attack, Amir Hafizi was warded, monitored and scheduled for an angiogram on the fifth day.

An angiogram is when well, wikipedia lists it here as angiography. Read the whole shit there. Basically they were going to insert a small tube through my arm, into my heart and pump it with dye to show blood flow and if there are any blockages as seen through X-Rays.

After obtaining the diagnosis, the doctor would then decide to do whatever doctors believe need be done. The obvious options would be an angioplasty, stenting, or a coronary bypass. Also available on the menu are euthanasia via morphine or a double-tap shotgun to the head should I turn into a zombie.

Anyway, the procedure and walkthrough were explained to me on the first night or second day. I forgot. I was hoping for either 20-30% blockages only, not requiring any further procedures and just treatment by medication.

I was also informed that the angiogram can be done either through the radial or femoral arteries. I prefer radial as the procedure through the femoral artery requires mandatory bed-rest and no movement for the next 12 hours after the procedure. I have fought for so long to ensure I don't poop on the bed, and I do not want to lose on this final stretch.

They also did what was told to me as an 'echo test' which I believe was an echocardiogram. Seems similar. That one tested my heart for areas not functioning properly.

So far, I was feeling very good, despite the heart attack on the 29th. In fact, I suspected that maybe it was just a fluke occurrence involving magnets and the Freemasons. Maybe it was heartburn, after all?

What I was trying to avoid was the annoying Malaysian belief that if something bad happened to you, it is because you are being punished by a stupid and petty God these idiots pray to.

In fact, I was worried if the PKR idiots thought my cardiac arrest was due to me pointing out how they got everything wrong.

Blablabla, blablabla, I eventually found myself, on the fifth day at the hospital, in a room waiting for my turn at the angiogram. This was it. This would determine a lot of stuff.

As I sat there, my feet turning cold from the anticipation and the air-conditioning, I asked myself these questions that ends in a proposition:

1. Do I have anything or anyone to live for?


2. Do I have anything or anyone to die for?


Then the only thing left to pray for would be a swift procedure with minimal drama.

And then they wheeled me in.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Quit Playing Games With My Heart Part 3

Previously, on Amir Hafizi: I had suffered a heart attack - a massive cardiac arrest - and was being admitted to the Critical Care Unit after a successful emergency treatment involving thrombolytic agents and some painkillers.

Dr S even said, "You look good for someone who just had a heart attack."

And I was like doing the paso doble:

Paso Doble: Where the man is the matador and the woman is the matador's cape. Or possibly his opponent the double minotaur
But she didn't notice of course, because I just had a massive attack. I was soon wheeled to the CCU and put in a solo room with these graphs and charts hooked up to my chest. Every 15 minutes, the machine would take my blood pressure - it was 170++ over 120++, which is extremely high for humans.

My heart rate was also a bit crazy, as usual, after a heart attack. It was around 130 bpm or something?

My oxygen levels in the blood were also low, at 90-92% even with assisted O2 breathing thingy.

The numbers were all behind me, so I got a small mirror so I could monitor my numbers properly. I began doing breathing exercises and managed to push the breathing rate down and oxygen percentage up. Meditation or possibly just fatigue from a recovering heart plus meds eventually pushed my BP down to below 100 over 60.

I was not supposed to stand up or walk about the place. There was a 'fall risk' sticker on my bed, meaning I am at a risk to fall if I were to stand up. Peeing and shitting was supposed to be done on the bed. For peeing, there are various designs of chamberpots and for pooping - I don't really know, because as soon as I found out I was expected to poop on the bed, I regulated my meals and water intake so as to ensure I can go for three to five days without pooping, until they allow me access to a toilet.

Making sure I don't poop in a 72-hour period was easy because:

1. I lost appetite after the heart attack.
2. Hospital food suck most of the time.

The peculiar thing about non-private hospital food (hospital Gomen/semi-Gomen), is that they give you an illusion of choice.

Every day, a nurse or a dude or whoever will come and ask you whether you want "ikan tomato or ayam tandoori." for lunch, or would you prefer "kuay teow ladna" for breakfast or bread. I was shocked when, available on the menu were "nasi minyak and ayam kurma."

First of all, the hospital's definitions of ayam tandoori or ayam kurma are extremely loose. Ayam tandoori, ayam kurma, chicken with ginger sauce, chicken stew, chicken soup, chicken ala orange, chicken cordon bleu are all boiled chicken with some variations in herbs used. This is how it should be. Hospital food should not be tasty.

According to hospital food science, both of these chicken dishes are exactly the same. They are called 'chicken tandoori'

The curry chicken was my favourite chicken dish, as it really had curry powder in it, but sans the evil santan or milk. Best dish? Tempeh. Flavourful, healthy and never bland. If you get warded in PPUM/UMMC, try the tempeh. Fried bee hoon (baked, really) also not bad.

The first two days, I could only manage a few mouthfuls and stabs at the chicken before giving up. They always give everyone chicken thigh. I hate chicken thigh. I hate the chicken butt, the thigh and finally the drumstick. Fuck the entire lower half of the chicken.

They always give us double veggies. Tasteless, because the salt, I discovered later on, was supplied separately. I've been having the meals without salt for a few days without noticing.

Anyway, I was under close observation for two days before I was transferred to a normal ward. Somebody else needed the monitoring instruments more than I do, and I was happy at the confidence the hospital had in me.

In fact, on the first day itself, Dr D - my primary physician explained to me the entire walkthrough of this game. I was to have an angiogram, that would determine follow-up treatments and so on. I just needed to survive until Wednesday.

And so began my countdown to have the angiogram, which will be the subject of our next instalment. Now, I need to lie down and take a nap while I peruse these new naked photos of Jennifer Lawrence - a woman who possibly one day will also have a heart attack.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Quit Playing Games With My Heart Part 2

When we last leave me - your hero - I was being wheeled into the emergency room with chest pains that are equivalent to a sledge hammer to the heart. Other symptoms include numbness to the left shoulder and arm.

"Are you sweating, sir?" asked one of the people wheeling me in.

"Ah, my wet hair? I'm sorry, but I took a last-minute shower before coming here, so there is no way to determine whether I am perspiring or not. I did puke from the pain, though."

The ER folks are always up for some jibber-jabber, but they were handling a crisis here, so they got their ECG thing out. That's ElectroCardioGram to you idiots and not Ecto-Containment Graph or whatever.

They clamped my feet and had these weird suction cups on my chest. I felt like I was being tested by some Dharma Initiative instrument.

Artist dramatization of an ECG reading

Actual ECG reading in progress

So the ECG confirmed it - I was having a heart attack. An extensive one. Oh my.

A cardiologist - Dr S - was summoned to the scene, and she was a vision of beauty. She looked like Nurul Izzah, but prettier and, well, a doctor and not a professional liar.

These are feelings of love and infatuation that only a Japanese love song can express:

I was immediately smitten and what a nice story to tell people if I met my girlfriend - a DOCTOR, honey - at the emergency room, experiencing huge amounts of pain, fighting for my life.

Oh, which reminds me.

I was at the emergency room, experiencing huge amounts of pain, fighting for my life.

Dr S, the cardiologist, decided on a treatment of thrombolytic agent to be administered with ISO - umm, let's just be fair to the idiots out there who can't even Google. They stuck some stuff into me that would dissolve the blockages in the arteries as well as some things to soften the walls of the blood vessels and of course - my favourite medical thing: mighty morphine pain-killers.

I was really insecure about the morphine because I was duped before and injected with a placebo by a doctor who thought he was being cute. I never went to his multi-million dollar scam center ever again.

But the injections were pure, legit morphine. And soon, I was quite high and the pain in my chest became a bit more manageable, with sudden bursts of unbearable torment now and then.

After the thrombolytic agent were finished (they gave me two rather large syringes of the stuff), the pain was gone and I felt ready to continue my life of pornography and literary criticism. Unfortunately, I was to be held back for observation at the Critical care Unit. Because the risk of getting another cardiac arrest is high after the first 72 hours.

I didn't manage to thank everyone at the ER. There was the nameless Gurney Boy, Dr Sg who asked me for my next of kin's number, Dr A who injected the morphine, the spectacular ER nurse F who noticed backflow due to my high BP and did some tubing magic.

I am also not sure, it might be just a painful hallucination, but there was perhaps an incessant, short, effeminate person who asked me to rate my pain from 1-10 without specifying 10 being the worst pain imaginable or the worst pain I've ever experienced.

"So which is it?" I asked. "Cause I can imagine other pains being more intense, but I have never experienced something as bad as this."

"Yes" was the answer from the strange man.

"Nine," was my final word on that to the strange creature.

And of course. Dr S. Had we met under different circumstances - oh what could have been. I'm still up for any non-caffeinated drinks, but I'm sure she's busy saving lives everywhere.

Anyway, I soon found myself at the CCU around 7pm++.

To be continued...

Quit Playing Games With My Heart Part 1

Hello. I just got back from the hospital. Got discharged, really. Because on Aug 29, I had a massive  heart attack.

I'm still a bit tired from the ordeal, but I'll start the documentation process on what happened and what I experienced.

It was a rather normal Friday afternoon. I went to Berjaya Restaurant and had my usual daging dendeng, fried lungs and double veggies. I smoked almost 10 sticks as I finished three drinks. All the while, making fun of PKR poseurs with one hand.

Then I went home.

I was sitting on this very chair when suddenly it felt like Triple H burst into my room, produced a sledge hammer, handed it over to Brock Lesnar who then immediately started hitting my chest with it, in slow motion.

All the while both Triple H and Brock Lesnar singing that annoying 1996 Backstreet Boy hit Quit Playing Games (With My Heart), while my heart was really in this intense, gripping pain.

In my head, there were only three possibilities:

1. Heart burn - most plausible
2. Heart attack - at 34? I don't think so.
3. Some weird form of food poisoning

I was so confused and so in pain - and Brock Lesnar and Triple H were still singing that song - that I decided to take a shower.

I reasoned that if I were to burst through the emergency room doors and dramatically claim to have a heart attack when in reality, I was suffering from heartburn, at least I'd smell nice. Up to that point, around 4pm, I did not have a shower yet. While taking the shower, I puked three times from the pain.

So, with a semi-wet body, in my best t-shirt and shorts, I decided to go to the ground floor of my apartment and fling myself on to the nearest neighbour who would give a damn.

That man happened to be Richard Gardner, of Gardner and Wife fame. He immediately invited me to his car and also offered me the use of his mobile.

I dialled my sister's phone number and said,

"I am in a car driven by Richard Gardner of Gardner and Wife. This is his phone I'm using. I believe I have heartburn and I am on my way to the hospital. "

I apologised profusely to Richard for being in such a state and he also apologised for the state of the traffic on a Friday evening, which to be fair was none of his fault. I began to feel a numbing in my left shoulder and arm, which is indicative of a cardiac arrest.

The good man dropped me off at the emergency entrance of Universiti Malaya Medical Center. Less than 10 seconds later, I was on a gurney, wheeled in with a rotating cast of characters asking me the same questions over and over again..

Man, I'm tired. I'll continue later tonight. But I'll spoil the ending - I'm still alive, and PKR can suck it.